How much cocaine do Australians usually use?

Among Australians who used cocaine in the past 12 months and reported their amount of use in points or grams, almost half (49%) typically used one gram per occasion of use.

Among those who reported their amount of use in lines, a quarter (26%) typically used 2 lines per occasion of use.

Among Australians who used cocaine in the past 12 months and reported their amount of use in points or grams, 41% used an average of less than 1 gram per occasion of use; 49% used 1 gram, and 10% used 2 or more grams.

Among Australians who used cocaine in the past 12 months and reported their amount of use in lines, 18% used 1 or less lines per occasion of use; 26% used 2 lines; 21% used 3 lines; 16% used 4 lines; 10% used 5 lines; and 10% used 6 or more lines.

Source: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). 2019 National Drug Strategy Household Survey (NCETA secondary analysis, 2021).

Please note: No statistical significance testing has been conducted on these data. As a result, no inferences can be made about whether the reported proportions are significantly different from one another.