This section provides information about methamphetamine use and employment. Differences in use patterns between employed and unemployed Australians, as well as those not in the labour force, are also examined.
The primary source of data used in this section is the 2019 National Drug Strategy Household Survey (NDSHS) (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2020). The NDSHS is a triennial general population survey of Australians' awareness, attitudes and behaviours relating to alcohol and other drug use. It is the best data source available to provide a national population employment profile of Australians’ methamphetamine use.
To be consistent with terminology used in the NDSHS, this section of the NADK uses the term meth/amphetamine. The NDSHS defines meth/amphetamine as including speed, ice, crystal, whizz, Ritalin®, and pseudoephedrine-based cold and flu tablets.